S-TrapTM : The Standard In Sample Prep
약 1시간의 빠른 실험시간
높은 재연성
One Protocol
µg to mg 단위까지 사용가능합니다.
샘플처리시 5% SDS 사용하여 프로테인 lysis와 solubilization을 강화
막 단백질도 용해가능
PEG, 세제 소금 및 글리세롤과 같은 오염 물질은 완전히 제거 가능
SDS코팅되어 있는 튜브사용
단백질 샘플 :µg~mg의 농도
1)Micro:50 - 100µg
2)Mini : 100 - 300µg
3)Midi : least 5mg
4)96well : 100 - 250µg per well

The S-Trap : Steps

5% SDS (+8M Urea)

Single pot FFPE proteomics

  • 5% SDS plus AFA plus heat completely dissolves everything,paraffin included.
  • No xylene
  • One pot
  • Total protein recovery, completely automatable
  • Truly one protocol

    Other's data

    Table 1. proteins identified with at least 2 peptides from cow MFGM samples using six experimental procedures.

    Items CHl/MeOH CHl/MeOH-M Acetone-M FASP S-Trap In-gel
    Proteins 356±29c 340±6c 382±8b 387±19ab 412±3a 184±21d
    Peptides 3069±256a 2311±10c 2583±41b 1823±122d 3127±53a 1856±166d
    PSMs 19266±1629a 16146±278b 15495±125c 11447±216d 19012±475a 9797±826e
    Coverage 28.3±0.3 21.0±0.1 23.2±0.1 14.9±0.2 25.3±0.5 26.0±0.5
    286 280 321 314 346 142

    S-Traps yielded the highest reproducibility, highest number of PSMs and proteins/peptides Ided.

    Yang, Y., Anderson, E., & Zhang, S.Evaluation of six sample preparation procedures for qualitative and quantitative
    proteomics analysis of milk fat globule membrane. Electrophoresis, April, 2018.